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A Business Leader’s Insight: Women Leading The Charge

By Lydia Henry

Meet David Simons, SeniorSocialMedia Consultant, Kingdom Social Media, Philadelphia, PA. Kingdom Social Media is an organization designed to consult, teach, equip, and train influential leaders and leading organizations on how to effectively use and maximize social media.

In a recent interviewwith David about his philosophies, hispurposeand his passion, David shared:

“I do my best to advocate for women and encourage the upliftment of women. I speak at many conferences that are women-centric like “The Global Women X in Ghana, 2018; Women in Business Conference, Philadelphia;MogulCon, Atlantabecause I believe”

David has been recognized in recent years byFunTimesMagazine as a rising star in “30 under 30″; by”The Future of Ghana- – 30 under 30”; and Awarded by the Spirit of a Dove Association “Small Business of the Year”

Davidgoes on to explain,”In my business,a majority ofmy clients are women– on average70%.I truly believe that as awhole,womenare hungrier than men when it comes to business. One of the reasons is because womenas a whole havebeen oppressed by systems making their innate desire for freedom and success to be stronger. I am always empowering women especially in oneparticular area. I find with most women their challenge in business is not skill, know-how, ability, or acumen. The biggest challengeis that they don’t believe in their own value or they underestimate their own value.This is due to societal issues, social constructs & barriers that have been put in place”.

He goes on to explain, “Growing up in a single parent household forthe majority ofmy youth, my appreciation grows,as I age,for my mother and how she sacrificed for me and my brother. I am a product of strong women. The strong women in my life include:my mother, who is a strong foundation of wisdom in my life; my wife who has helped me to enhance my development in every area of my life; my Aunt Monica who instilled many spiritual foundations in me;my sisters who have shown me what strength and resilience are; Debbie Mille, my second mom growing up, who showed me so much love and compassion; and AngelaPipersburghwho has been a strong business guide and life coach to me.

David offers this advice to female business owners:

Here are three things I would like for you to understand as you are reading this article:

  1. Realize you have tremendousandimmeasurable value and the world needs you!!!
  2. Your knowledge is not the issue because there are people making more money than you with much less knowledge.
  3. You must charge what you are worth and then add tax!

“I hope you realize your power and your worth and I hope more of us men can support more women in their pursuit of success and happiness by being allies and not barriers”.