Black nurses have been an integral part of helping to slow the spread of COVID. Although medical workers are coping with the immense stress and emotional trauma of a pandemic, they miraculously remain balanced. They are our frontline heroes. However, as Black nurses continue to push forward and dedicate themselves to their patients, many are forced to ask themselves, “Who will take care of me?”
Figure 1 – Black nurses are often undervalued, and deserve more respect and understanding from colleagues.
Many Black nurses find themselves seeking security, as they often feel little to no support from White colleagues. These individuals are helping to save lives while working in extremely high-stress situations. Despite this, they continue to strive to work for their community and focus on their responsibilities. However, when faced with this intense stress, poor mental health, and no support system, many nurses begin to wonder if anyone cares about them.
Here are 3 ways Black nurses can help to support each other in order to create a healthy, positive, and uplifting work environment:
Figure 2 – Nurses are frontline heroes to the community.
1. Care for each other.
Come to know and understand your co-workers from a culturally informed perspective. This will make for a more productive and healthy workspace. Many of your Black co-workers could be dealing with mental or emotional trauma while enduring high levels of stress from isolation at work. Listen to them without judgment.
2. Speak up.
If you see a disserving act occur amongst fellow nurses, bring it to attention. Any injustice to a patient or nurse (such as toxicity, racial slurs, or racial bias) is a threat to a positive work environment.
3. Be patient and pleasant.
As a nurse, you are in charge of caring for your patients and fellow nurses. Try to go through your shift with a smile on your face. Regardless of your situation, it’s important to try to be positive throughout the day. After work, then be sure to relax, vent, recharge, and relieve any stress.
Working together as a team means understanding how to communicate clearly and effectively with your teammates, which includes doctors, fellow nurses, and patients. This can only be achieved when everyone feels equally supported. This is what will ultimately build a stronger healthier work environment and help us achieve the goal of World Health Day; create a healthier world where everyone has access to the care they need.
Work Source
“World Health Day 2020.” World Health Organization, World Health Organization, www.who.int/westernpacific/news/events/detail/2020/04/07/western-pacific-events/world-health-day-202….
“THE TRUTH ABOUT NURSING | WHAT YOU REALLY NEED TO KNOW | Student Nurses and New Nurses MUST WATCH.” YouTube, YouTube, 5 Jan. 2020, www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8PAZUYlrz4&t=0s.

Nina Indigo is a Storyteller and Digital Journalist @ FunTimes Magazine. She writes on topics for the health and wellness segment. She practices Vegetarianism, loves poetry, African/African American Literature, creative-writing, research, yoga poses and meditation.
In her articles, she provides her readers with organic content for people of all backgrounds and communities, she is truthful, writes to empower and inform. She helps readers make their best holistic decisions in their lives, communities and societies.
In 2021, she will obtain her BA in English Writing, with a minor in African and African American Literature Studies.
To follow up on her latest articles google Nina Indigo @ FunTimes. In her articles, her motive is to provide to her readers a how, and why holistic health is not just important, it’s a necessity to our whole well-being. Her articles do not simply empower and inform, but present relevant ideas and solutions to the essential wellness topics discussed.