At first glance, perhaps one may consider Tamika Felder a regular person. In fact, Tamika is a superhero of a person since she fights hostile enemies and annihilates onerous obstacles. Her life is not a secret. In the effort to help others live their best lives, Tamika readily shares her story of beating the biggest obstacle of them all: Cancer.
In the effort to help people “live an epic life beyond cancer,” Tamika penned the book “Seriously, What are You Waiting For?” as a part of her company eponymously named “Tamika Felder International, LLC.”
Seriously, What are You Waiting For? 13 Actions To Ignite Your Life & Achieve The Ultimate Comeback is the probing question that Tamika poses to the person who is waiting for “the perfect opportunity” to make a change in their life. While you are waiting, Tamika warns, life will pass you by.

Each month “The Reading Quilt” provides a short review of a book that a teacher may use to spark conversations about culture and race, along with a learning activity that may help students understand human behavior. Using the acronym QUILT, Slaughter offers readers information about the Quality of writing, Universal theme, and Imaginative plot, as well as a mini Lesson plan, and Talking points that stem from the book’s premise. This month features a book meant to ignite a person’s passion in the effort to “achieve the ultimate comeback.”
Tamika Felder
(Photo Credit: www.tamikafelder.com)
Author, speaker, and a women’s health advocate, Tamika, at 16, suffered the loss of her father. Nine years later, Tamika survived a cervical cancer diagnosis at 25 years old. As part of her treatment, Tamika underwent surgery and weeks of chemotherapy. Shortly thereafter, she lost her mother at 33 years old. Hit with blow after blow, perhaps the average Jane might stay down, but Tamika refused to tap out. Instead, she named herself a “Cervivor,” and decided to show other women how to be the same.
Seriously, What Are You Waiting For? 13 Actions To Ignite Your Life & Achieve The Ultimate Comeback is Tamika’s fight song. Her book has garnered much attention and her work as an advocate brought many accolades. Tamika has been honored with the Women in Government’s Presidential Leadership Award, the Washington Area Women’s Foundation “Be That Woman” Award, and the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults “Young Adult Fight” Award, among others. Additionally, her work advocating and educating Congress members and federal policymakers has been recognized on the floor of Capitol Hill and written up in the Congressional Record.

Quality – On one hand, as a book, the message is personal, revealing Tamika’s innermost thoughts about her personal journey. Tamika recounts personal pitfalls, stinky thinking, and mother wit she treasures from her mom. On the other hand, as a workbook, the book takes you on a mental journey where you have the opportunity to learn steps to inspire a better you. The book includes four easily digestible chapters like “Firestarter,” “The Lucky 13,” “Light the Match,” and “300,” which illuminates the theme of the motion picture “300,” and the fighting spirit of the small Spartan army who fought to the death in the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 B.C.
Universal theme – The themes of grit and fortitude are prominent and inspirational in this book which may ignite feelings of invincibility. The soul-stirring quotes that introduce each chapter prompt you to take stock of your life while resisting “energy vampires,” and seeking inspiration that will “set your soul on fire.” Simple questions like “Who makes you happy?” or “Who makes you unhappy?” will have you digging in the crates of your feelings.
Imaginative story – There is no imagination needed in the case of this nonfiction book. Instead, the reader needs to be prepared for serious introspection or rather soul-searching. In the effort to get your life “unstuck,” the reader is encouraged to answer each question, even those that may cripple you emotionally. For these moments, Tamika offers a respite in the book where you can stop and gather your thoughts.
Lesson plan – Students often face challenges that have the power to destroy their inner spirits and leave them feeling emotionally destroyed. Tamika’s book Seriously, What Are You Waiting For? 13 Actions To Ignite Your Life & Achieve The Ultimate Comeback provides questions and activities that can help a person reflect on instead of reacting to triggers. With interesting text art that stimulates the imagination, the book keeps the reader engaged and motivated to answer questions or jot down thoughts.
Talking points (from Seriously, What Are You Waiting For? 13 Actions To Ignite Your Life & Achieve The Ultimate Comeback by Tamika Felder):
- Who are you?
- What is your purpose in life?
- What are you passionate about?
- What is holding you back from the life you want?

Dr. R. A. Slaughter’s (Doc) textbooks Turning the Page: The Ultimate Guide for Teachers to Multicultural Literature, and Turning the Page: A Guide to Securing Multicultural Literature for Schools, both published by Rowman & Littlefield and available in all bookstores, have brought Doc global recognition. For more information, log onto drrachelslaughter.info, or email LiteracyUniversity@gmail.com