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Black culture is dynamically one of the most influential ways of life of the Black community and its people. With the weight and influence we carry, it is important for our culture to be known, established and embraced for the good and betterment of society as opposed to the dragging down of our entire race. 

Black culture speaks not only to the food, dance, language, belief and practices of the people but also how we feel about ourselves when society is and isn’t looking; our identity as strong, empowered Black people. Unfortunately, that’s part of our culture is not emphasized or taught enough. Being Black has always been a struggle as the pressure of society demands that we change to suit its likings and value systems because we stand out; making them uncomfortable.  

Often times, we find that the very system that’s to uplift you and empower you helps to box you into societal standards and before you know it, you’re Black by the color of your skin and not by the uniqueness you were built in; why? You face identity suppression and you’re not necessarily taught being Black doesn’t make you any less of a person; having kinky, curly, ‘coilly’ hair doesn’t make you any less of a being who is capable of accomplishing big dreams and visions, your melanin doesn’t forfeit your presence and voice in a space you belong in neither does it means accept the unacceptable.

Nobody says you don’t need to change! If culture speaks to the way of life or lifestyle of a people, embracing yourself no matter what anyone says should be a major part of that and in a world that dares to discriminate, beat down and beat up on a people because of the blessing that’s their melanin or skin, I say it’s of utmost importance that we teach and embody the notion of loving and embracing our melanin because it’s more than just skin, it’s power. 

Things change when a Black man or woman stands up and not cower under the pressures to change or conform, things shift when we decide that as a people we’re going to stand together in unity, systems break and change when there’s a Black woman or man who decides they love their identity and are liberated by the notion that they get to be one among the greatest and refuse to back down or to change. Black culture is important, hand down but embracing who we are as a part of a special creation is of greater importance because how can we pass our culture down to the next generation if our identity is not solidified as a Black person? 

So, aim to live purposefully and intentionally, aim to show up with heads held high, living, loving and embodying the Black lifestyle, aim to be the change people wish to see; that’s the true importance of Black culture.