The incessant rain washed out a cricket match, rendered people homeless and caused countless hardships to everyone. But amidst all these distresses, there was a couple who was thrilled to see the raindrops. Her outstretched soft hands accumulated water from the pouring rain and threw it at the creature standing next to her. That creature holding the umbrella for the both of them was excited by this water splashing game and splashed back water caught with his rough hands. A smiling Sandy, looked into his eyes with a deluge of love in her eyes in the form of tears and said, “I would want to die this moment!”
Alex put his arms around her and squeezed her shoulder, conveying his ability to protect her, to be with her, and to love her always, “I cannot live without you! Never could I imagine a day without holding you in my arms!” Sandy wiped the tears from her eyes and wrapped her hands around his waist. “We should marry soon,” she exclaimed. “And we shouldn’t stop with one kid. Two should make life interesting. After that, she paused and said, “We should adopt a child. You’re ready for adoption, right?”
“Of course, why would I say no?” Sandy has a dream. Well, a plurality to the noun would be good. Yes, she has many dreams but they change intermittently. They range from becoming a pilot to becoming a writer one day, going up the corporate ladder to becoming an educational activist the next day, becoming an entrepreneur to becoming a musician the day after that. The latest addition to that illustrious list is marriage, kids and adoption. None of the other dreams got any attention from her and some would say the latest addition will be no different.
They would’ve walked a few feet when she turned to him with a concerned look on her face, “Will your parents like me? They might think that I’m not right for you!” “Why would they think like that? They’ll like you. Never worry about that.” For this answer Alex had to lie from the bottom of his heart. Of course his family will never like Sandy. Even if his mother liked her, his sister will make sure that there is something about her that needs to be hated. But Alex knows very well that liking and accepting are two different things. His only concern will be his sister belittling his choice of a wife. But these worries can be parked for a different day. He didn’t want to waste this glorious day thinking about things that are outside his circle of influence and control. “My parents will definitely like you. I’m not sure about my father but my mother will adore you!” he said suddenly with a bright face.
As the conversation continued, the downpour showed no sign of slowing down just like Sandy’s dreaming. She exclaimed, “I’ve a plan!” and outlined the details for moving forward their marriage.
Finally before bidding good bye, she kissed him on the cheek and said, “Tell this to your parents and bring them to my house!”
This round table discussion resembled a G-8 summit but the participants weren’t discussing the trivial matters like world economy plunging into chaos or recent terrorist attacks in Paris. They were into more serious things like love and marriage. “So, what do you say?” said Alex breaking the silence that had engulfed all of them. His parents were too shocked to open their mouths. Then his sister spoke for all four of them.
“You’re in love with a girl named Sandy, a class mate of yours in college that you never knew existed then just in the past six months fell head over heels with her.” She looked around for an acknowledgement. “Now you want Ma and Pa to meet her parents to talk about your marriage” she paused, “but she’ll act as if she doesn’t know anything about this relationship. Right?”
“Yes” responded Alex with clenched teeth.
The facial reactions of both his parents were absolutely stoical. Perhaps he should’ve thought something better than this idiotic plan. But this seemed the most plausible way to show to Sandy’s parents that their child did not fall in love with just any ‘ole guy but a guy who wants to marry her. This had seemed like a good plan then since it involved Sandy keeping her mouth shut. “I don’t see this happening without embarrassment for all of us,” his sister said to their parents. The time had come for the tacit parents to express their opinion and put a formal full stop to the affair. It was his father who spoke first, surprising everyone, “No Problem!” he smiled, “We’ll meet them and talk.”
In a blink of an eye, they were all meeting with Sandy’s parents, except Alex. Sandy never expected this process to go this far. One of the reasons, in fact the only reason, was her father. He simply didn’t trust her. Now everything was happening how she dreamed it would happen. She was sitting in front of Alex’s parents with butterflies circling her stomach. Alex’s father opened the conversation with a simple but complex question. “What kind of a parent are you? Perhaps, you should’ve brought her up in a better way!”

Now this was not in the script. Why is he saying this?
Suddenly she experienced a bomb blast inside her. All she could hear was loud static. She couldn’t bring herself to look at her parents. Her hands began shaking nervously. She didn’t want to believe that the dream had gone this far. She wondered: Did Alex know everything? Is that why he didn’t accompany them? No, never! He wouldn’t have allowed them to talk like this. Didn’t he think of this possibility? What sort of a guy is he, if he cannot anticipate his parents?
Could she have done it perfectly? If so, knowing her parents, she shouldn’t have got into this relationship in the first place. But she had such an apprehension towards her father, which pushed her towards this stupid plan. Had she opened the conversation, it could’ve ended with a slap. But now that day was well and truly over. What remains to be seen is how much damage it is going to cause!
What’s next for her? She sensed a new winter settling on her relationship with Alex. This cold was developing inside her too. Perhaps she should wait till she explains everything to Alex! But will it help? No way. He might suggest eloping. But then her dumbstruck parents shouldn’t suffer more. The apprehension was slowly getting replaced by melancholy. Did she notice the tears in her father’s eyes? This is enough! To stop these thoughts, she slapped herself hard enough that forced everyone to look at her. With eyes full of tears, not from love, but out of sympathy for herself, her family and Alex, she looked at Alex’s parents and said “That’s the way you entered the house,” with her index finger pointing the door, “and please don’t ever come back!” Her voice trailed off. None disturbed her for a while. She was desperate for someone to wake her from this dream.

As Alex’s parents got up to leave, her father stated, “Mr. Bowen, looks like we’ll cancel the wedding planner we’ve hired. Your daughter has misunderstood my question and spoiled everything.”
She looked at her father. She felt like strangling herself for creating the scene but continued to literally drive them out of her home.
As she stood outside in the rain she dreamed of the beautiful memories of her relationship with Alex. Knowing that dream was gone, she sighed, getting herself ready to move on.