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New You! Lose 10 Pounds in DIY One Day Juice Cleanse

Stay slim the healthy way.

Start the new year right. Some of you are looking for a fresh clean start, a simple way to keep that growing waist small.

Well, good news is here because I have the quick fix you need to balance your weight and get rid of that unnecessary weight dragging your body. All those long grueling hours in the gym, it would be nice to monitor your weight in a way that’s time sufficient and does not make you sweat profusely. In addition, these day cleanses also work as immune booster like a 2 in 1. If you are interested, read on to learn how it is done.

How to do a one-day juice cleanse 

First off, you must know, follow, and embrace the guidelines for the cleanse if you want the best result. Here is how this juice cleanse works:

Rule one, this cleanse does not require any food intake. You are not permitted to eat until the next day, meaning if you start at breakfast time, you end the juicing at breakfast time the next day. The same goes for lunch and dinner. You are dedicating your whole day to juicing.  And you are not starving yourself; the juicing will sustain you, if you do this the right way. The proper amount of juicing you want to take in for the day is about 4 to 5 quartzes. This is plenty to suffice. Remember the most important part, do not binge.

If you are used to binge eating, don’t during this cleanse, Alleviate it with tea.

The best way to alleviate binge eating while juicing is to drink herbal tea, any kind; peppermint, mint, chamomile, peach, apple cinnamon, raspberry zinger, mixed berries, hibiscus, rooibos, jasmine, ginseng whatever herbal you would like to consume during your day cleanse is fine. To be specific what is best is to keep the herbal tea hot or iced and have like 4 to 5 cups of tea a day, no more than this, add no sugar. You may only drink the tea sugar free and no sweeteners. If you are not a tea person, try to drink 3 16oz. bottles of water, this will help you. In addition, there cannot be fruit infusions added to the water, just plain water or you may use mint herbs, cucumbers, or lemon only. Those are the rules. And one more, this cleanse is not for those who have eating disorders, pregnancies, or diabetes. If this applies to you do not try this cleanse. If it does not apply to you, try it out. If you are wondering how to do this the right way, do not worry I have it right here.

Learn how to make your own at home DIY 1 day Juice Cleanse. Here are 3 recipes to try:

First,The Green Gift

Instructions for juicing:

Thoroughly rinse all ingredients, once rinsed.

Using a Juicer, Add in these simple ingredients:

Simply add water and ice only a quarter way, do not fill juicer all the way.

Add in these 5 ingredients:

1 cup of Chopped Kale

1 cup of Broccoli florets

4 sprigs of fresh Parsley

1 cup of Green Grapes

1 cup of green tea any organic brand.

Whisk it all together for a minute or two and there you have your drinks. If you want all the fiber in the drink do not use a cheese cloth and drink straight from Juicer. If not use cheesecloth to take out any pulp. Next serve for two. (Crocker. 232)

Second, Razzy Orange 


Thoroughly rinse all ingredients, once rinsed

Softly pour these 4 ingredients into Juicer:

2 oranges

1 cup of raspberries

1 cup of red grapes

½ cup of raisins

Using your juicer process oranges, raspberries, red grapes, and raisins. Whisk it all together for a minute or two and there you have your drink. If you want all the fiber in the drink, do not use a cheese cloth and drink straight from Juicer. If you do not want the fiber, use a cheesecloth to take out any pulp. Next serve for 2 (Crocker.236)

Last, Fruit of Life

Instructions for juicing:

Thoroughly rinse all ingredients, once rinsed.

Using a Juicer, add in these simple ingredients:

Simply add water and ice only a quarter way, do not fill juicer all the way.

Add in these 3 ingredients:

1/2 cup acai berries, thawed

1 pomegranate, seeds only

1 cup of blueberries

Using your juicer process acai berries, pomegranate seeds and blueberries. Whisk it all together for a minute or two, pour it into a glass and there you have your drink. If you want all the fiber in the drink do not use a cheese cloth and drink straight from Juicer. If you do not want the fiber, use a cheesecloth to take out any pulp. Serves for 1. (Crocker. 232)

Now you have mastered the Quick fix!

It’s the perfect quick mechanism for weight loss. Take it from someone who has done it. It is brilliant for weight loss. You will see results within the first 2 or 3 weeks. If you are interested in more recipes google search a book called the Juicing Bible second edition, they have all the recipes. If you would like to visually see how to prepare a juice cleanse at home, check out Vegan Michele on look for her video called How To Do A 1 Day Juice Cleanse At Home.

Once you completed this juicing, you may go back to your regular food regime. Remember, this is the type of juicing that requires only 1 day out of your week. This means you would only cleanse four days out of the month. There is not specific day you need to choose whichever you go by is fine. Good luck, and stay focused.

Nina Indigo is a Storyteller and Digital Journalist @ FunTimes Magazine. She writes on topics for the health and wellness segment. She practices Vegetarianism, loves poetry, African/African American Literature, creative-writing, research, yoga poses and meditation.

In her articles, she provides her readers with organic content for people of all backgrounds and communities, she is truthful, writes to empower and inform. She helps readers make their best holistic decisions in their lives, communities and societies.

In 2021, she will obtain her BA in English Writing, with a minor in African and African American Literature Studies.

To follow up on her latest articles google Nina Indigo @ FunTimes. In her articles, her motive is to provide to her readers a how, and why holistic health is not just important, it’s a necessity to our whole well-being. Her articles do not simply empower and inform, but present relevant ideas and solutions to the essential wellness topics discussed.