Beautician Sonia Singh began practicing natural skincare 20 years ago. She specializes in using natural herbal products. I was able to go to her salon this afternoon and witness her work firsthand.
During my salon visit, Singh shared her insightful knowledge on natural skincare maintenance. Her advice? Try applying her organic DIY recipes to improve your skincare routines. Here are some of her suggested essentials:
Beginners’ Facial Skin Routine
Start with a facial cleanser, like Alba botanicals, or Cetaphil for all skin types. You can also try to use a facial scrub. Scrub softly, rinse your skin within lukewarm or cold water afterward, and pat dry with your hands or a cotton swab for best results.
Next, is an optional step. You can apply a face mask and let it sit for 5-10 minutes, letting the mask dry. While doing this, you can listen to a podcast, or sip on some chamomile or green tea. Then wipe off the mask and its excess with a cold rinse, and pat your face dry with your hands or a cotton swab.
Then it’s time for face serum. For the best outcome, use a vitamin C enriched serum or vitamin E oil. Be sure to apply the serum underneath your eyes, as this helps to alleviate dark spots. You can also use face cream or lotion. Clinique’s line of facial lotions are known to be good for keeping your face moisturized.
Intermediate Facial Skincare Routine
By this time, you have a routine skincare routine. You should know the right cleanser for you, but now you can choose to add on an antioxidant. During the beginner’s final step, which is moisturizing, add the anti-oxidant under your moisturizer. A vitamin C oil is perfect, or you can use a vitamin E oil serum. Both serums help to accelerate the healing process for dryness and protection against sun damage. It also reduces fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. For intermediate-level skincare routines, the only additional step is to add on an antioxidant.
Advanced Facial Skincare Routine
The advanced routine mainly consists of assisting with advanced sun damage and reversing signs of aging. It’s all focused on your nutrition intake. Try avoiding pork and meat in general as much as possible. Also, sugar is not recommended. These types of foods and substances make your skin prone to dryness. However, the most essential part of the routine is that you increase your intake of water. Every morning you want to have a cup or two of warm water with lemon. Also, make an effort to consume less juice. The only juice that is beneficial to your well-being is diluted cranberry juice, which is good for your skin health, and keeps aging at bay. Cranberry juice also combats free radicals, giving well-toned skin, and making oily skin and large pores more toned and vibrant.
Additional Skincare Tips
To start, make an effort to not consume alcohol. However, one way to use alcohol to improve the health of your skin would be to wash your face with beer and egg yolk, including two drops of lemon juice. Once you mix them, you can apply the mixture in the shower, on your face and body., Your skin should feel refreshed afterward.
Secondly, use vitamin E capsules on your face, specifically where you see dry spots.
You can also combine orange skins with honey, optionally adding in two drops of lemon. Let this mask sit on your face for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse with lukewarm water for the best results. You only need to do this mask once a month.
These skin care methods are easy to do and are all affordable products. Singh prefers to use natural methods rather than man-made products. Wholesome beauty applies to everyone. When the interview concluded, Singh explained why and how natural beauty and skincare are essential to holistic natural practices. She says:
“The secret is to not use chemicals and unnecessary products, limit this. It should be about what feels comfortable to use. There are many ways to understand the meaning of beauty, it’s different for everyone, and once you have this you are prouder, so your face tells a story; of your happiness. However, you choose to wear it, is it up to you”.
Sonia makes it a priority to include all different ethnic backgrounds like Pakistanian, Indian, Middle Eastern, and Vietnamese in her salon. She strives to make her salon an open, warm, and welcome environment for every skin color.

Nina Indigo is a Storyteller and Digital Journalist @ FunTimes Magazine. She writes on topics for the health and wellness segment. She practices Vegetarianism, loves poetry, African/African American Literature, creative-writing, research, yoga poses and meditation.
In her articles, she provides her readers with organic content for people of all backgrounds and communities, she is truthful, writes to empower and inform. She helps readers make their best holistic decisions in their lives, communities and societies.
In 2021, she will obtain her BA in English Writing, with a minor in African and African American Literature Studies.
To follow up on her latest articles google Nina Indigo @ FunTimes. In her articles, her motive is to provide to her readers a how, and why holistic health is not just important, it’s a necessity to our whole well-being. Her articles do not simply empower and inform, but present relevant ideas and solutions to the essential wellness topics discussed.