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Kun’Tre Pharaoh: Student at HBCU Launches Health Brand Ahead of Ultimate Goal to Own Hospital or Healthcare Clinic

Founder and owner of Health Heroes Connect LLC, Kun’Tre Pharaoh

Kun’Tre Pharaoh, a student at Winston-Salem State University, hopes to one day establish and operate a hospital or healthcare clinic that provides services inclusive of a mixture of holistic, traditional and conventional medical practices. 

Pharaoh, who is currently a graduate student in the healthcare administration program, holds an undergraduate degree in exercise physiology with a minor in sports medicine from the same university. He practices Muay Thai and leads an all-around healthy lifestyle. 

He is also a proud member of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. Delta Alpha chapter of Winston-Salem State University. The school is the number one historically Black college and university (HBCU) in North Carolina. Among its other rankings, the university is number one in the United States for social mobility according to CollegeNET and among the top ten HBCUs in the United States changing the world, according to College Magazine.

“Initially, one of my main goals was to become a physical therapist. However, I fell in love with learning about the importance of exercise and eating well. Added to the new goal, I want to learn about businesses and in the same breath, own a hospital or a clinic,” Pharaoh tells FunTimes Magazine in a recent interview. 

Pharaoh believes that education is a continuous process. “So, even after you graduate from the formal education system, you should still learn”, he says. With this in mind, he uses every opportunity as a learning and teaching experience. 

“I think that education is a constant thing. You’re gonna always be learning. As I fulfill my desire to always be learning, I also want to study holistic medicine and study nutrition. This knowledge will initially help me but in the long run, it will also assist the countless people I hope to help through my hospital or clinic,” he continues.  

As Pharaoh explains the root of his desire to own a healthcare facility in the future, he recalls his grandmother saying, “there will come the day when I encounter a hospital that cares about the people more than the bottom dollar,” and it has resonated with him still. 

“I find that a lot of hospitals and clinics in this day and age only look at what their bottom dollar is. However, if I can help it, I want to introduce a space that focuses on the patients more,” says Pharaoh. 

“Additionally, there’s a plant out there for every ailment, but for some reason, we rely solely on conventional medicine all the time to remedy our ailments. I want to change that. I just want to be able to offer a different type of view and how people perceive medicine in its entirety,” he continues. 

In between school, building on his dreams of the hospital, and Muay Thai, Pharaoh, 31, hosts weekend exercise boot camps, is a father to his 3-year-old daughter, and is the founder and owner of Health Heroes Connect LLC, which was launched in the start of 2021. His weekend boot camp is focused on getting his clients’ physical and mental capacities at optimal operational levels. 

Kun’Tre in action practicing Muay Thai

Health Heroes Connect | The Brand

The primary goal of Health Heroes Connect is to improve the world through mental and physical health and wellness. Though it is currently a work in progress, Health Heroes Connect will be accessible through a website with a repository of health information for clients. The driving force for the health information will be a database of professionals in the various subcategories of health. 

For instance, a potential client interested in planting and growing their own crops will have access to farmers, nutritionists, and dieticians who can provide guidance on the type of crops to plant based on the health goals of that person. If another client wants help with physical therapy needs or mental health needs, the relevant professional will only be a click away. 

“The heroes are those professionals who stretch their hands to help somebody else.” Pharaoh says.

Kun’Tre is a man who knows exactly what he wants out of this life. He makes it his duty to ensure that nothing is done in isolation, as his current practices align with his future goals. This is evident in the conceptualization of Health Heroes Connect. 

The logo is a pyramid with a caped figure running to the top where a heart sits. 

 “The reason I had the logo created is because I want to offer a network where people can understand the steps to achieve their overall health goals. Through my brand, someone can help you to achieve your goal. So, the caped figure running up the pyramid represents a subject matter expert who is ready to take you through the steps to good health. That’s why the heart is at the top. It represents the overall health of the body.” Pharaoh reveals.

Ahead of the launch of the Health Heroes Connect repository, and database, Pharaoh has established a hoodie and sweats clothing line under the brand.

“I wear hoodies, t-shirts and track pants all the time so I figure that it would be on-brand to have a line and use it as a launchpad for the world to see and ask questions about Health Heroes Connect,” says Pharaoh. “It is a conversation starter and it is a medium from which I can gain clients, and partners. Additionally, it all lines up with my dream of establishing my hospital or clinic,” he continues.  

The Health Heroes Connect repository and database are expected to be launched and fully operational by the end of 2021.

Candice Stewart is a Jamaican content writer specializing in human interest feature stories. She is a web content writer, blogger, and budding podcaster. 

She holds an MA in Communication for Social and Behaviour Change and a BSc. in Psychology from the University of the West Indies (UWI, Mona).

Follow her blog at, where she shares stories and life lessons through real-life experiences.