TRUTH: We should all keep in the spirit of Christmas every day, in our personal and professional lives
TRUTH: We can be stuck because we hide under our comfort zones and restrict our own unique feminine brilliance for fear of being judged or rejected.
TRUTH: Growing up, I manipulated–to make up for my feeling of being unloved, and to receive recognition so I could feel worthy, and be somebody.
TRUTH: The glass ceilings I broke, sales and leadership awards I won, six figures in three businesses I made, 30 years of a happy marriage I achieved, the ability to work from home and have time freedom–none was what made me feel worthy.
TRUTH: I found that Love, Acceptance, Worth, and Value are an inside job. Each person must find them within themselves. It all starts with YOU TRUTH: You can learn all the how-to’s that are out there, however, if you don’t build a strong foundation inside you, then you will miss the mark every time. YOU are the missing piece!
TRUTH: Bringing out the best in you, takes co-creation with meaningful conversations that open up our hearts and our trust. This is where the We comes in.
Neuroscience proves that having truth conversations with all judgment removed, and zero fear of criticism, combined with concern for others increases our oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin and opens the doors for transformation.
Through unity, acceptance and connection, women working together in a guided program are reclaiming their feminine power with a purpose that provides healing and allows them to deepen into:
- Who they are as women
- Sisterhood
- Feminine leadership
- A rich and satisfying life
This is the secret to awakening, to success, to achieving fulfillment. Magic happens when women genuinely show up for one another and when we drop the masks, and truly have each other’s back. When women gather, there is a collective power to heal, find our voice, rise-up, step up and stand-up to live our dream life and make a difference. We open our hearts and tell the truth!
The truth allows you to expand, to shine, to find your own song and dance your own dance. It sets you free!
Let’s come together in a ‘Safe Space’ with appropriate boundaries where your dreams will be nurtured and fostered. A space to expand your destiny, passions, gifts and ambitions with encouragement from other women. The year of YOU & WE can be key to your happiness, confidence and success.
info@RoeCoutureDeSaro.com. Roe broke glass ceilings on Wall Street, and grew direct sales teams to nearly 3,000 distributors spanning the globe. Now as a coach, author and speaker, she is on a mission helping women be strong, powerful and authentic in their business and personal lives