FunTimes Friday Happy Hour: ‘Health Awareness’ Presented by Perelman School of Medicine

On Tuesday, August 17th at 6 pm, community members attended the virtual FunTimes Friday Happy Hour event, themed ‘Health Awareness’. This event, in conjunction with the Perelman School of Medicine, explored the impacts of COVID-19, and how the legacy of racism in the medical field has contributed to the COVID-19 vaccine mistrust in Black communities and communities of color.

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The Reading Quilt: Spreading the Word

In the effort to normalize and educate teachers about nonstandard dialects, John McWhorter, an American linguist and associate professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University, penned the book Spreading the Word: Language and Dialect in America (Heinemann, 2000). In doing so, “McWhorter helps us to come to view the language palette that exists in our classrooms as an asset rather than a problem.”

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