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B.Y.O.B (Be Your Own Boss)

FunTimes magazine spotlights Justin Green, owner of Green Investment in this new column “B.Y.O.B.” {Be Your Own Boss/ Build Your Own Business}. This column is to showcase business owners, entrepreneurs throughout the tristate to share their business, story and encourage others to follow their dreams of starting businesses. How did the idea for your business begin, was it a dream/vision before you started? The idea of having my own business began after seeing a few of my friends becoming successful in real estate development. I was working a full-time job but knew I needed a 2nd stream of income to provide for my family. After careful observation I decided to purchase my first property in 2012.

What inspired you to become an entrepreneur? My mother inspired me! I grew up watching her work a full-time job but always having a second stream of income. She was a true “Hustler”/entrepreneur. Because I needed to bring in more income, I decided to start my own business.

Did your educational background or previous work experience assist you in preparing for your business? Was there specific training or experience required for your specialty? My background is in Education, I attended college to become an English teacher and received a Master’s degree. The educational piece really helped me to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing with clients and business professionals.

How long did it take to get your business up and running? How did you acquire funding for your venture? It took approximately three years to develop my business, hire an assistant and get out of the “one-man band”. My major funding has been acquired through financial institutions. It is imperative for anyone contemplating going into business to have excellent credit because it gives you leverage when applying for loans and other means of credit.

Can you describe your typical day? After seeing my family off to work and school, I begin with writing a list of goals. Every day varies but each consist of communication with staff, telephone calls and online research. It’s much more to do when preparing to purchase or rehab a property.

Has the diaspora community supported and benefitted from your business in any way? The diaspora community has supported my business by word of mouth. I’ve earned respect for being honest and fair. Some clients have financial hardships and need assistance. I make certain they understand their options.

What is your greatest fear and how do you overcome it? Losing money, assets and not having new deals are my greatest fears. I overcome my fears by praying, trusting in Jesus Christ, creating and executing a plan.

Do you believe there is a formula or pattern to achieving a successful business? To achieve a successful business, you must: (1) Be Consistent, (2) Be patient, (3) Be Courageous, (4) Have a Marketing Strategy, (5) Have Faith in God.

What do you enjoy the most or least about being in business? I enjoy the flexibility I have which allows me to spend more time with my daughters, attend sporting and school events and meet my wife for lunch on occasion. I also love the fact that I’m leaving a legacy for my children. However, I dislike performing inspections in abandoned buildings because I’m germophobic and easily irritated by dirt. Paperwork and such things as contracts, licenses and permits are challenging.