October Never Leave
Enjoy the beginning of October, and check out these low-cost or free festivities focusing on career development, underground music, an abolitionist’s journey, and the music of Cuba.
Enjoy the beginning of October, and check out these low-cost or free festivities focusing on career development, underground music, an abolitionist’s journey, and the music of Cuba.
Check out these low-cost or free festivities focusing on Halloween, community flea markets, fundraisers, empowerment workshops, and jazz concerts.
Dr. Nikia Owens has been a tireless impassioned leader of Campaign for Working Families (CWF) since she was appointed President & CEO of the nonprofit three years ago. Many people have taken notice. One of them is City & State, a premier multimedia news organization dedicated to covering New York’s and Pennsylvania’s local and state politics and policy.
As the harmony of autumn whispers through the winds of change, let’s go out and enjoy these engaging low-cost or free festivities focusing on ethnic flag raisings, parades, peace poetry projects, and jazz concerts.
Get going and take on the so-called “Month of the Harvest Moon,” with these free or low-cost block parties, pop-up gardens, art festivals, carnivals, jazz concerts, and more.
September gifts us with events that avail us of stories of the Black experience, the Black wine-making industry, the struggle for freedom in educational systems, making homemade remedies to heal, movie screenings with a famous actor, and a book fair.
Here are some mostly low-cost or free festivities focusing on art, photography music, and books. Many of these engaging activities take a deep dive into the untold and historical impact of the Black experience.
Here are some engaging low-cost or free festivities focusing on Labor Day Weekend fun, parades, music, and movies
Seize the last drop of summer before it ends. To inspire you, check out these engaging low-cost or free festivities focusing on art, music, films, food, and topical book discussions.
Read on for low-cost or free entertainment of community music, films, food, dance, and photo exhibits, as a summer of sizzling (that’s a cross between sizzling and dazzling: Sazzling) neighborhood events heats up.