Artist to WatchPhenomenalPhyno

With his trade mark beards, impressive swag and a song reverberating with lyricsflowing in his mother tongue, Chibuzor Nelson Azubike, aka Phyno, is an artistdominating the Nigerian music industry. Rapper, song writer, record producer,Phyno, which is derived from the word phenomenal, was a nickname given to himby one of his high school friends. His rise to stardom has truly been phenomenalas he has gained much popularity in the Nigerian music industry where he startedin 2003 as a producer.His debut album, No Guts No Glory, not only shot him into the limelight but thealbum was nominated at The Headies for several awards like includingAlbum of the Year, Artist of the Year, Best Street Hop-Artist and Best RapSingle amongst other nominations. In 2013, he won Best Rap Single awardand Best Collabo award. In 2013, at the Nigerian Entertainment Awards,he also won Best Collabo. In 2014, at The Headies awards, he wonBest Rap Single, along with Rap Artist of the Year at the City PeopleEntertainment Awards.
With guest artists like M.I, Ice Prince, Flavour, Runtown, Timaya,2Face Idibia, P-Square, Zoro and his collabo album with Olamide,Phyno is an artist that has shown great promise and not just beingtalented but holds the potential and promise to continue to entertainthe Nigerian music industry for years to come. This talent is evidentin his ability to connect with the crowd, offering his lyricalrendition in his Igbo Language and Pidgin English.With hit singles like Fada Fada, E Sure for me, Augument, and So Far So Good, Phyno is on a roll and looks unstoppable. Even ashe thrills his fans at various concerts along the length and breadthof Nigeria, Phyno still endeavors to find ways to remember hisroots by connecting with family and friends who formed part ofhis success story. As the Nigerian music industry grows, one thingremains certain, and that is, the impact Phyno, as one of thepopular artists, has had in shaping its success story.He will always remain phenomenal.Nzeribe Okechukwu is an entrepreneur and a teller of theAfrican story. In an imperfect world, he would have beingborn elsewhere but considering that perfection is acontinuous effort at trial, he was born in Africa and hasbeen saddled with showcasing the African brand.