(Scenes from the 2021 Guinea Coup. Image by Aboubacarkhoraa via Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Coup_d%27état_2021_en_Guinée_32.jpg )
On October 2nd, 1958, Guinea gained independence from France. Today we are exploring the current state of affairs of the country in light of the coup d’etat the country experienced on September 5th, 2021.
The military junction known as the National Committee of Reconciliation and Development (NCRD), led a coup d’etat in the West African country. Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, who assumed the leadership of the country, announced the coup d’etat was inspired by the human rights violations, poverty, and economic maladministration running rampant in the country. He pledged to restore a union government.
The former president of Mali, Alpha Conde, who is 83 years old, had been taken hostage by the faction, and remains in their custody. In response to these events, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the African Union (AU) suspended Mali from the collective. African leaders have met with Doumbouya to negotiate the happenings of the country and have demanded the release of Conde.
(A military parade in Kaloum, Guinea after the 2021 coup. Image by Aboubacarkhoraa via Wikimedia Commons)
Last October, Alpha Conde won a third presidency term. Citizens expressed outrage over this decision, as there is a two-term presidency limit in the country, and Conde altered this rule so that he could continue to rule the country. During the protests following Conde’s third term confirmation, hundreds were arrested and some were killed.
After the coup in September, news stations showed videos of citizens blowing kisses and giving praises to the military faction for disposing of Conde, providing evidence that many Guinean citizens, including those in the country’s capital, Conakry, support the military faction’s coup. Regarding Conde, some citizens stated they want Conde to be released, and others say Conde should be put on trial for his human rights abuses. ECOWAS continues to campaign for the military faction to release Conde. Approximately 80 prisoners who were arrested during Conde’s rule have been freed.
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