Photo by RODNAE Productions
A long-distance relationship is a romantic relationship between people who live far apart and cannot meet frequently. This isn’t new knowledge to those who started online connections and are yet to live together.
However, it is very jarring to people who are new to it and are currently at their wit’s end. Some statistics show that the average success rate of a long-distance relationship is 58%.
At FunTimes, we aim to increase this percentage and give couples who genuinely love each other a fighting chance. A key to maintaining a positive and healthy relationship is concentrating on staying connected and intimate!
Here are 5 (five) sure ways to increase intimacy with your partner, whether you are new to long distance and struggling or used to long distance and looking for new ways to spice things up.

Photo by RODNAE Productions
(1) Virtually keep in touch
Most people worldwide have a phone, making communication easier through phone calls, video calls, social media, etc. At the barest of minimums, all mobile phones have calling and texting capacities, so make an effort to call or message your partner at least once daily.
It will be a check-in to communicate that you care about them and their day. It will also give them a chance to receive love from you miles away and be reminded that though they are out of sight, they are not out of mind. This can make a world of difference in how secure your partner feels in your life.
(2) Make a relationship bucket list
We all should think about the future occasionally, and openly adding your partner to your plans can reaffirm that commitment. No one knows tomorrow, but we plan as though we do, and you and your partner should create a relationship bucket list.
Even if you don’t see them so far into the future in terms of years, at least do you see them with you on your next birthday? Good, then plan toward that. Take baby steps when you feel comfortable and include them.
This gesture will also help rekindle new hope and excitement in the relationship because there is so much to look forward to you and new ways for the relationship to grow.
(3) Send thoughtful gifts/gestures
We all have different love languages, but gift-giving has a higher chance of being well received. It could be due to commercializing holidays and events, but the average person knows that society has a gift-giving culture. This should be the same just because your partner is miles away.
More importantly, what you give as a gift is of utmost importance. It could be a physical gift you send them, such as your favorite perfume, so they always remember what you smell like. Or it could be the gift of your time where you inconvenience yourself to get that extra time with them. It could be the gift of acknowledging all they do and how hard they work so they don’t feel undervalued. It is crucial to find out what your partner appreciates as a gift and show them love through that.

Photo by RODNAE Productions
(4) Have silent phone/video calls
One of the biggest things people miss out on in long-distance relationships is the silent moments. Couples tend to be apart, so when they meet up via phone or in person, they talk, do, or create an action due to missed moments.
However, comfortable silence is a form of communication in most relationships. If you want to create more normalcy between you and your partner, schedule ‘silence calls’ where you both do individual things while spending time together – as one would if they lived with their partner.
(5) Send photos/videos
We live in a very visual age; one thing to capitalize on is the sense of sight in these relationships. It could be anything from a photo of yourself waking up, one going about your day, or a steamy photo to raise temperatures. Showing off yourself communicates how confident you are in your body and skin, which will be well received by a partner who loves you the way you are.
This is working with the understanding that both partners are not visually impaired. Work with the other senses if one or both are visually impaired. Find time to call your partner and describe how you would look and feel if they were next to you. Things don’t have to be seen to be appreciated; verbally communicating and painting a picture is just as exciting.
Last but not least, plan a physical meeting between you and your partner where you can spend time with each other. This will depend on each other’s finances and schedules, but where there is love, there will be a way, as the aim is to be in each other’s arms and brave the world together.
Good luck!