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Figure 1 – Reaching the paradise. Source – Photographed by Anand Subramanian

The allure of a mountain may be found across its whole form, from its base to its summit. To climb a mountain just for the sake of seeing its summit is to ignore the beauty that lies under every step of its surface. There is a universe ripe for investigation inside the whole body of a mountain, and it offers an opportunity for calm interactions with the terrain and the surrounding ecosystem. This is exactly what I was looking for when I was offered the opportunity to go to Himachal Pradesh.

I didn’t know how to recover or live with so many mental health concerns, as well as being burnt out from my work and other people. Things went over my head as I was losing my identity as a human being and was on the edge of a nervous breakdown when I realized I was trapped in the rat race that I was fleeing. It was growing darker by the minute, but as I got closer to the pinnacle of elegance, I could see the light through its imperfections.

Figure 2 – Reaching the light. Source – Photographed by Anand Subramanian

I used to worry whether I had to be flawless in my career or my relationships. We are conditioned to accept perfection and dismiss imperfections as a failure. With this mindset, all of us, including myself, work or maintain relationships, which hurts everyone. I couldn’t discover perfection when I walked at the foot of the mountains. Every symmetry, every surface was slightly off, like a child’s sketch. But, despite its flaws, it exuded a sense of serenity and quiet. The way it stood tall, unapologetically, allowed people to explore its flaws.

Figure 3 – Exploring Imperfections. Source – Photographed by Anand Subramanian

Getting outside and into nature has a healing impact on the body. A mental slowing down is also present in the situation. As a society, we’ve become used to the presence of four walls surrounding us. Outside, on the other hand, you may take in all the city has to offer. You become aware of how wide and expansive places are. It puts you in your proper perspective and makes you feel a bit less important. You’ve reached the bottom of the mountain and come to the realization that you’re not all that important! When you let go of the belief that you are unimportant, your problems will follow. You were able to let go of how insignificant your concerns were.

Figure 4 – Soaking it all. Source – Photographed by Anand Subramanian

The mountains have become my mentor, my refuge, and the destination I go to when I need to find space and clarity in my thoughts. They have also been a source of inspiration for me. I yearn for the essence; for the sensation of being there, for the lessons it teaches me, and for the person it allows me to become.

Figure 5 – I did come a long way. Source – Photographed by Anand Subramanian 

Anand Subramanian is a freelance photographer and content writer based out of Tamil Nadu, India. Having a background in Engineering always made him curious about life on the other side of the spectrum. He leapt forward towards the Photography life and never looked back. Specializing in Documentary and  Portrait photography gave him an up-close and personal view into the complexities of human beings and those experiences helped him branch out from visual to words. Today he is mentoring passionate photographers and writing about the different dimensions of the art world.