A Message to the Abused
By JoAnn HodgesMany years ago, women suffered in silence, afraid to tell anyone what was happening to them. There weren’t many support group…
My Son – Slick Rick
By Bea JoynerNOTE: This story is adapted from my book, “Don’t Need No Soaps, My Life Is Soap Enough!” With the school year approaching, I th…
International Locks Conference Coming in October
By Ayana JonesThe 23rd Annual International Locks Conference, Natural Hair, Holistic Health and Beauty Expo, hosted by the Kuumba Family Ins…
Food Made with Love and Soul
By Lyn SheppardWillie Lockhart, owner and operator of Chef Uncle Willie II’s Restaurant in Darby, PA, never goes wrong with his two most pre…
To Love and to Strike: A Look at Domestic Violence in Africa
By: Nzeribe OkechukwuDivorce, domestic violence, child negligence, and infidelity are common stories in newspapers, on television and social…
Curated by Bobbi I. BookerLying in the midst of the vast urban community stretching down the Eastern Seaboard, Philadelphia is an integral p…
When the People Lead, the Leaders Follow By Cheri Avery BlackLet your voices be heard! The Republican proposed American Health Care Act woul…
FunTimes Magazine May/June Release Party
Please join us Friday, June 23 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the Pyramid Club for the FunTimes Magazine Release Party! Please RSVP by phone or em…
#WCW: Kechi Okwuchi
Have you heard about the courageous woman, Kechi Okwuchi? She is a Nigerian native who was one of two survivors of the 2005 Sosoliso Airline…