By Dr. Stephen Jones
Getting prepared to have fun holiday learning experiences is one of the greatest challenges a family can encounter each year. It’s amazing how the best events and activities are abundant during the holidays. It seems like fun is knocking on your door every moment. I tell parents that they can enjoy the holidays while educating their student at every event. There is always something to learn from music and theater productions at Thanksgiving and Christmas as well as educational events that occur every day.
To succeed with organizing your holiday activities, you should think about what you would like to accomplish with the events that are available. Give your children a choice of activities to select. Set limits on the number of events to avoid the pressure of doing too much. If you want to make holidays fun regularly get out of the house.
Use the beginning of the month to outline how you will use your time. You will need additional time to get organized too. If you wait until the last minute,you may not have an opportunity to purchase tickets because an event is sold out. It’s important to count each day as an opportunity to know that your children are learning something new.
How do you bring together all the family members, so you can decide on an activity? Set aside a specific time to have a conversation. Allow your children to bring the names and dates of activities that interest them. It is important to get an organized activity plan that you will follow. Write every activity date down on paper to maximize your family fun list.
Consider having your family volunteer their time as a gift to others during the holidays by making a list of activities that everyone in the family will do. It is another way to make the holidays joyous by giving your time to others. Your family can participate in a toy drive for children or visit senior citizens to bring them the joy of singing or playing games. There are many organizations that need volunteers for events that are going on throughout your community and with churches.
It’s great to take videos or pictures of your activities. You can collect videos from the various events that you attend and have a fun night to watch videos at your home; review what your family has learned. Think about the ways that it can help your children to learn something that they can use at school. Develop questions to ask your children during the holidays.
In conclusion, the holidays should be a time of fun, educational and joyous time of the year. Clearly define all your holiday activities and be flexible for changes that need to occur. Discuss other educational things that you can do throughout the coming year. There are plenty of museums and science centers to visit. One great place in Washington DC is the new National Museum of African American Culture along with many other museums that are part of the Smithsonian Institute. Don’t forget to ask your students’ teachers for some ideas. Stay focused on your educational goals and you will get the most out of the holiday season this year and beyond.
Dr. Stephen Jones is an outstanding educator, keynote speaker, consultant and author. Dr. Jones has been instrumental in helping thousands of students to realize their dream to earn a degree. Dr. Jones has dedicated his life to diminishing the academic gap that prevents students from achieving their dreams. Dr. Jones is the author of the Seven Secrets of How to Study, the Parents Ultimate Education Guide and the Ultimate Scholarship Guide. His url is http://www.DrStephenJones.net.