Enjoy a different type of art exhibition painted with a different angle of the brush. Check out the opening reception of “WE ARE ALL DOING TIME.” The exhibit looks at the art and wide-ranging stories of six local artists impacted by incarceration including Pulitzer Prize-winning Suave Gonzalez, a self-taught New York street artist who was imprisoned for 31 years, and Jennifer Rhodes, a 65-year-old mother of three who has been serving a life sentence since 1990. The exhibit’s promotional material notes that the show is “a deeply personal exhibition that aims to shed light on the transformative power of art within the context of incarceration and America’s flawed criminal justice system while providing a platform for artists to share their stories and gifts with a broader community.” Hosted by the Morton Contemporary and Pennsylvania Innocence Project, the exhibit runs through Sunday, February 23, 2025. Free, 6 p.m. EST to 8 p.m. EST. Morton Contemporary Gallery, 115 South 13th St. Email: Debbie@MortonContemporary.com, 215-735-2800 or eventbrite.com.