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Best Coffee Brands Throughout The African Diaspora

Coffee is unique to the brewer’s imagination and comes in a variety of specialties such as cappuccino, mocha, frappe, Irish coffee, espresso, and many more. Coffee beans are now offered by a variety of well-known brands all over the world. The African coffee market is rapidly expanding. The continent, which has traditionally been committed to the production and export of coffee, is now fast creating booming domestic markets, particularly in African metropolitan centers where coffee culture is rapidly rising. Coffee is the world’s second most traded commodity, behind oil, with over half a trillion hot cups drunk each year. Coffee has managed to keep its position as one of the world’s top commodities despite being the third most consumed beverage after water and tea. Coffee beans are in great demand everywhere due to their popularity, and coffee manufacturers are always attempting to outperform their competitors in the competitive market. Coffee beans are cultivated and shredded to perfection by experienced growers throughout the continent. These coffee brands have become the biggest sellers, generating huge profits by offering the richest taste and finest flavor to the people of Africa and beyond.

Kenya AA Coffee

Kenya AA, grown at heights greater than 6,600 feet above sea level, is regarded as one of the world’s greatest coffee beans. Because of the higher growing altitudes, the beans grow slower than at lower altitudes, delivering more nutrients and giving them more time to develop tastes and mature. The government is heavily involved in the production of coffee in the country. They guarantee that the country produces only the finest by paying producers with greater prices for higher quality. Kenya AA beans are well-known for their light body, sparkling texture, and strong floral flavor. Expect to taste tropical fruit, berries, and wine in addition to the flowery flavors. While the coffee might have a strong flavor, it is nearly always balanced with a light and pleasant acidity.

Figure 1 – Visual of Kenya AA. Source – Google

Burundi AA Kirimiro Coffee

Burundi’s main exports are coffee and tea, which account for over 90% of the country’s foreign exchange revenues. With coffee as their major motivator, the farmers have perfected the skill of sustainable mountain agriculture while also recognizing the value of their environment. Arabica and Robusta coffee varieties are cultivated in Burundi. Kirimiro beans are popular among coffee enthusiasts due to their lemony tastes and undertones of spicy clove. There’s also a hint of sweetness from the nuts! Burundian coffee is often sweet, with sharp acidity, a full-body, and flavors of lemon, blueberry, and wild berries. Burundi coffees of high quality and altitude include notes of fruits, flowers, and honey, as well as consistency, balance, and body. Burundi coffee’s sweet and clear flavor, as well as other features, have frequently led to comparisons with Rwandan coffees, notably in the northern area of Kayanza, where it borders Rwanda. 

Figure 2 – Product Photograph of Burundi AA Kirimiro Coffee. Source – Google

Uganda’s Good African Coffee

Because of its outstanding Robusta trees, Uganda has become one of the continent’s major coffee producers. Good African coffee is produced in Africa and has sweet, citrus tastes. A well-brewed cup of Rwenzori coffee has cupping characteristics that are comparable to the desired winey acidity of a quality East African coffee, but with a sweet chocolate taste and a rich texture. In general, Ugandan coffees are less fruity than coffees from nearby Zimbabwe, Tanzania, or Kenya due to their lesser complexity and lighter body. Because the country has a low internal consumption rate, it can generate bigger amounts for export. In this regard, Uganda competes with Ethiopia in the export industry not only in terms of quality but also in terms of the quantity of exported coffee.

Figure 3 – Product Photograph of Uganda Rukoki Gold. Source – Google

Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Coffee

Yirgacheffe coffee is wet processing (washed) coffee cultivated at elevations ranging from 1,700 to 2,200 meters above sea level. It is widely regarded as the best high-grown coffee in southern Ethiopia, an exotic coffee area recognized for exquisite coffees. A good Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee has sharp acidity, strong, clear flavors, and a rich scent of floral notes, occasionally with a trace of toasted coconut. Cupping remarks usually mention the aftertaste as lively, and the coffee may have cherry or wine overtones. According to some premium Yirgacheffe tasting notes, it might have a somewhat nutty or chocolatey flavor, while others have orange and citrus undertones. These characteristics make it a popular variety for a delicious iced coffee. Premium, high-quality coffees, such as the Yirgacheffe, should be savored to the utmost – ground properly and brewed gently in a french press or pour-over (e.g., Chemex) without a paper filter to capture the entire spectrum of flavor.

Figure 4 – Product Photograph of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Coffee. Source – Google

Cameroon Arabica Coffee

Cameroon has one of the finest primary commodity economies in Sub-Saharan Africa due to good agricultural circumstances. Cameroon Arabica coffee is most recognized for its rich, full-body, mellow flavor, and pleasant fragrance. After hand harvesting and de-pulping the coffee cherries, the coffee berry pulp is combined with the soil surrounding the coffee plants to enhance soil nutrients. As Cameroon improves its farming and processing processes, an increasing quantity of some of the best Arabica coffee is coming from the region best known for coffees such as Kenya, Tanzania, and Ethiopian Coffee.

Figure 5 – Visuals of Cameroon Arabica Coffee. Source – Google

Anand Subramanian is a freelance photographer and content writer based out of Tamil Nadu, India. Having a background in Engineering always made him curious about life on the other side of the spectrum. He leapt forward towards the Photography life and never looked back. Specializing in Documentary and  Portrait photography gave him an up-close and personal view into the complexities of human beings and those experiences helped him branch out from visual to words. Today he is mentoring passionate photographers and writing about the different dimensions of the art world.