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Seeking Help: Finding Quality Mental Health Care For African Americans

Oct 12, 2024 10:00AM ● By Okechukwu Nzeribe

Photo by DCStudio on Freepik

Mental health conditions have been a long-neglected aspect of the overall well-being of most African Americans due to the stigma often associated with it. Conversations around mental health struggles do not frequently happen as many erroneously consider such conversations as a sign of weakness. This results in a reluctance among those affected to seek help which in turn opens growing cases of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder, which can lead to outcomes that are detrimental to those affected as well as others within their circle.

Describing Mental Health, the World Health Organization refers to it as “a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stress of life, realize their abilities, learn well, and contribute to their community. It has intrinsic and instrumental value and is integral to our well-being”.

Furthermore, the WHO describes mental health conditions to include “mental disorders and psychosocial disabilities as well as other mental states associated with significant distress, impairment in functioning and risk of self-harm. People with severe mental health conditions die 10 to 20 years earlier than the general population. Having a mental health condition increases the risk of suicide and experiencing human rights violations. The economic consequences of mental health conditions are also enormous, with productivity losses significantly outstripping the direct cost of care”.

With the growing concerns surrounding the devastating effects of mental health, medical centers have continually sprung up to offer much-needed assistance to patients struggling with mental health issues. More so, these centers offer specialized care to African Americans, helping them navigate the challenges and stigma associated with mental health conditions. Below is a list of Black mental health providers offering care to African Americans struggling with mental health challenges.

Black Mental Health Professionals: The platform offers patients the opportunity to find specific professionals/therapists to help with mental health challenges without going through the rigor of extended online and offline searches making it easy to narrow down their options and reach qualified health experts to help them with their mental wellbeing. 

The National Association of Black Counselors (NABC): One of the recurrent challenges with dealing with mental health conditions is the associated stigma attached to it. Finding a non-judgmental organization that not only offers a listening ear to the struggles associated with mental health but also offers patient-physician confidentiality that makes the journey of healing much easier is crucial in the fight against mental health.

The NABC is a dynamic organization committed to promoting Black mental health. They are committed to not just providing clinical assistance as the need arises but also to making an impact on the mental well-being of Black individuals and communities. 

Black Mental Health Alliance (BMHA): They are a community-based organization that provides school-based mental health services, after-school and summer camp programs as well as programs and training that deal with mental health stigma and mental health in Black communities. 

The Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation (BLHF): The foundation is committed to providing therapy referrals and resources for communities of color. The foundation which is the brainchild of popular Hollywood actress Taraji P. Hensen and her friend Tracie Jade Jenkins was set up in honor of Taraji’s father, Boris Lawrence Hensen who struggled with mental health issues after his time in the Vietnam War. The foundation continues to promote wellness through programs, campaigns, and initiatives. 

Along with many of these health centers, there are several outreach programs offered by various Black communities to help address the challenges associated with mental health. A visit to the respective community centers would prove helpful to those who seek help and mental well-being.

Above all else, accessing quality care has become much easier both offline and online as many facilities have begun to provide necessary assistance to those dealing with mental health challenges along with the stigma associated with it.

 Okechukwu Nzeribe works with the Onitsha Chamber of Commerce, in Anambra State, Nigeria, and loves unveiling the richness of African cultures. [email protected]

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