FunTimes Writer

The Link to My Self-Identity Is ODUNDE

As young black person who was born and raised in the city of Philadelphia, finding your identity can be one of the most unidentifiable challenges of your youth. The reason why I refer to it as an “unidentifiable challenge” is because most times in the lives of young black people, finding oneself is a struggle that can be difficult to articulate and pinpoint. Hopefully, this makes sense to you.

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The Name African American: Convenience or True Ethnic Identity?

I was born in Africa, Liberia to be specific and I became an America citizen in 1998. Yes I am proud to be an American. But I am also proud of my African roots and identity: language, culture, family, education and all of the anthropological dynamics that helped mold me. My Americanism has in no measure changed or tarnished my Liberian ancestry. If I were to be politically correct, I would have referred to myself as a Liberian American as in Irish American, Italian American, Chinese American, to name a few.

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Cultural Identity and the African Diaspora

Like many Africans in the Diaspora, it is a daily struggle trying to prove myself as acceptable to a world essentially different from my own, all the while trying to prove to my own people that I am still a part of them: that I have not forgotten my culture; that they are still a part of my cultural identity; that they will always remain a huge part of who I am.

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